Vote for the Cocktail Party!

I firmly believe that life is worth celebrating - especially at a time when people need to be reminded of how blessed we really are.  This year's election season was one for the books, and for many people filled with tension, anxiety and uncertainty.  Despite which side we may land on different issues, we are all Americans, and truly blessed to live in this country!  

With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to mix things up for election night by throwing out the Republican Party and the Democrat Party and root for the Cocktail Party!  This fun spin on the election featured decor and fun surprises for three new parties - Wine Party, Beer Party and Cocktail Party.

  Of course we had to give a slight nod to this year's election in some silly ways too...

We selected a menu of comfort foods on an evening where everyone just needed warmth.  Thanks to the amazing Cornucopia Catering for their amazing food and outstanding service!

Renee Gibbons